Building a rocket is one thing and launching it is another but what about the bit in between, moving it to the lauchpad? Rockets like the Saturn 5 and the new SLS for the Artemis program were and are massive. The SLS is about the same height as a 30 …
Proving the Big Bang and beyond with Planck
Ever since we came up with the theory of the big bang, we been looking for evidence to back it up. Put simply, The big bang theory is the leading explanation of how the universe came to be, from an infinitely small but equally high density and temperature point that …
ESA’s million-year time machine
This is not a photo of the Milkyway or an artist’s impression, this a map made up of approximately 1.8 billion data points collected by the Gaia satellite, each one not just representing a star but also comets, asteroids and other astronomical objects in the Milkyway and beyond. But its …
How could anyone believe the moon is hollow?
As conspiracy theories go, believing that the Moon is hollow is up there with thinking its made out of cheese. The Hollow Moon hypothesis suggests that the moon might be the product of an alien civilisation and could be a giant spacecraft or space station. However, as with all the …
Is the Apache Still the Best Attack Helicopter?
Its been the preeminent attack helicopter for the last 30-plus years but is it still the top dog? Built to fight the Soviet Union and the hordes of Soviets tanks on the plains of eastern Europe which up until a year ago seemed like an outdated idea but with Ukraine …
How are we searching for Extra Terrestrial messages ?
We have been searching for signs of extra-terrestrial life for over 100 years, and so far, we have found no evidence of anything beyond our planet. Out of all the billions of stars just in our own galaxy, the Milkyway, with all the billions of associated planets, let alone the …
Can the U.S. Stop Russian and Chinese Hypersonic Missiles?
Hypersonic weapons have been under development for decades and have taken on an almost mythical quality because their main selling points of speed and manoeuvrability make them seem unstoppable. Recently, Russian president Vladimir Putin has been the man putting the hype into hypersonic, claiming that Russia has perfected the Avangard …
Can Iran Stop U.S. Bunker Buster Bombs?
Ever since we learned to fight we have striven to protect our most important places but with modern weapons is there a safe place anymore? The most secure places we could build, hardened secure and even nuclear bunkers are now vulnerable to bunker-busting weapons that can go clean through 20 …
Why is NASA Throwing Away Reusable Engines?
Artimis 1 finally took off for the moon on 16th November 2022 but this new rocket which is the most powerful to make it into space is not as new as you would think. The four main engines that power the core stage with the help of two massive solid …
How Pratt & Whitney Changed Aviation
When the chief engineer for the German aero maker Blohm and Voss got hold of a recovered Pratt and Whitney R-2800 and saw that the lapping of the two halves for the crankcase was machined with such great precision that it not only didn’t need a sealing gasket, it also …