The following are videos which appear on the Curious Droid Youtube channel along the original script which may well vary from that in the video as parts are sometimes edited out due to the creation of the video.

if it looks right it will fly right

If it Looks Right, It Will Fly Right – Right ?

solid rocket motors

The Most Powerful Rocket Motor Ever Tested & Why it Never Made it to the Moon?

How Big is the Solar System, Really?

How Big is the Solar System, Really?

How Do You Fly a Plane Through a Hurricane?

How Do You Fly a Plane Through a Hurricane?

What Will Happen to Voyager and Others in the Far Future?

What Will Happen to Voyager and Others in the Far Future?


Why travel to Mars?: A look into the challenges


I Want My Future Back


How does gas giant Jupiter have a metallic core?


The History of Soviet ‘Aircraft Carriers’


Can Magnetic Tech Make Spaceflight Cheaper?

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