One of the most hotly contested procedures during the Apollo missions was the how NASA dealt with the issue of the Van Allen belts, the naturally occurring belts of radiation that surround the earth, both on the journey to the moon and returning from it. To some this just proves …
Why can’t we see the Apollo lunar landers from Earth ?
When you look up at a full moon, just remember that somewhere on the lunar face, the remains of Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 along with 8 unmanned Russian Luna missions and 5 pre-Apollo unmanned American surveyor missions are all still there….. silently looking back….. unless of …
What if ?….. 5 Decisions That Changed The World
We are all products of the decisions that we and others make every single day of our lives but some decisions have repercussions that are sometimes so far reaching that they can affect everybody on the planet. In this video, we picked out five decisions that changed the world. …
Rise of the Terminators | Weapons that think for Themselves
Weapons and warfare have become increasingly sophisticated; the latest battlefield technology is starting to look more like a computer game with wirelessly connected soldiers communicating via sound and vision to drones carrying satellite-linked wi-fi hotspots & given orders by commanders that could be on the of side of the world. …
Will A.I. Artificial Intelligence take your job?
Even in China, the land of low paid factory worker, robots are quietly taking over from their human counter parts. China has now overtaken Japan for having more robots than anywhere else in the world. The Chinese government is concerned about an aging population and the rising cost of human …
Rolls-Royce ~ What else do they make other than luxury cars?
Mention the name Rolls-Royce and probably the first thing you think of is the quintessentially British luxury cars, the brand that says “look at me, I’ve made it”, beloved by rappers, pop stars, entrepreneurs and royalty. But the cars are only a small part of a much bigger business that …
Asteroid Impact – Could we save the Earth in time ?
On average the earth is hit once every two weeks by an asteroid measuring a couple meters or so across, in fact the earth is being hit all the time by small meteorites, luckily most of these small objects burn up in the earth’s atmosphere appearing to us as shooting …
A Brief History of Moon Hoaxes – Why do people still believe in them?
How did we get from one of the greatest technological achievements of the 20th century to believing that it was a massive cover up by NASA, the CIA, the government or a combination of all three?, and why almost 50 years after the first Apollo missions, with all the scientific …
Mars or the Moon – Where do NASA manned missions go next?
The last humans to visit the moon left the lunar surface in Apollo 17 at 5:55pm EST on Dec 14th 1972, since then no humans have been further than low earth orbit missions and to the variety of space stations that have existed since then. The question is now, where …
Why Russia Did Not Put a Man on the Moon – The Secret Soviet Moon Rocket
It’s probably the most well known peacetime battle between the USA and the Soviet Union, in both technological and ideological terms of the 20th century. Although the USA won the race to the moon, if you’d been a betting person from the mid 1950’s to 1960’s, the chances are that …