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What Happened to the Flying Wing?

In Planes, Videos by Paul Shillito1 Comment


They are some of the most unusual aircraft of the past 80 years, responsible for sightings of UFO’s across the US and became the most expensive plane ever built and all from the principle that they are the most aerodynamic of any plane design and yet they fell into obscurity …

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Could Anti-gravity Really be Possible?

In Space, Videos by Paul Shillito2 Comments


Over the decades antigravity has been the stuff of science fiction, though there have been many inventions purporting to be antigravity devices, from gyroscopic lifters to superconducting magnets but so far there has been nothing that is capable nullifying, shielding or creating a repulsive form of what we know as …

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Could We Really Sleep in Space for Years?

In Space by Paul ShillitoLeave a Comment


Watch almost any film involving deep space travel apart from the fantasy ones and you’ll see people going into or coming out of stasis of which the waking up part usually looks quite unpleasant but could this type of induced hibernation for longer space journeys become a reality in the …